HBR: Mindfulness Works but Only If You Work at It

Original Article by Megan Reitz and Michael Chaskalson, published November 4th, 2016.

The latest trend in leadership development is mindfulness training. There is a burgeoning array of apps, self-help books, and corporate interventions designed to help leaders become more mindful and thus more resilient, focused, and aware — qualities that many executives believe can make them more effective in their roles.

Mindfulness — a way of paying attention with care and discernment to yourself, others, and the world around you — has been much researched. But although evidence from clinical contexts suggests that mindfulness provides many benefits, few studies have been conducted with business leaders. This means that basic questions have remained unanswered. For example, does mindfulness training actually improve leadership capacities? If it does, how? And how much effort do you need to make to achieve results?

Trying to answer these and other important questions, we conducted the world’s first study of a multisession mindful leader program, which included a wait-list control group. Half of the participants received their training immediately and the other half received it later, but we measured key characteristics in both groups at the same times. By comparing the two groups’ results, we were able to discover what the effect of training really was.

Our data was drawn from 57 senior business leaders who attended three half-day workshops every two weeks as well as a full-day workshop and a final facilitated conference call. We taught them mindfulness practices, discussed the implications for leadership today, and assigned home practice of daily mindfulness meditation and other exercises. We recorded the difficulties in our participants’ attempts to learn to be mindful throughout the process.

We believe our findings provide a valuable, robust, and realistic guide for leaders seeking to become more mindful.

Our study shows that mindfulness training and sustained practice produces statistically significant improvements in three capacities that are important for successful leadership in the 21st century: resilience, the capacity for collaboration, and the ability to lead in complex conditions.

This is great news, isn’t it? An easy win. Go through a mindfulness program, and you become a better leader. But there is always a price to be paid. In this case it is formal mindfulness practice time.

We asked our leaders to undertake a variety of different formal mindfulness exercises, guided by audio downloads, every day. In addition, we encouraged them to do informal mindfulness practices (such as those laid out by Rasmus Hougaard and Jacqueline Carter in their article earlier this year). Our research shows that leaders who practiced the formal mindfulness exercises for more than 10 minutes per day fared much better on our key measures than those who didn’t practice much or who relied on the informal practices alone.

The message is clear: If you want the benefits, you have to put in the time to practice.

There is a paradox here, of course. Time is the one thing most senior leaders don’t have in abundance and are least willing to give up.

So let’s put the time commitment in perspective. We know that senior executives spend an average of 1,060 minutes awake per day. And yet allocating just 10 minutes — less than 1% of their waking hours — to practicing mindfulness proves demanding for some and impossible for others.

Our research points to some of the challenges that get in the way. First, leaders seek out mindfulness as a solution to their crushing work pressures, their busy timetables, their multiple task lists — and yet it is precisely these things that then get in the way of their practice. In our research, “busyness” and a focus on what needed to be done in the short term was one of the most commonly cited reasons for lack of practice. The leaders who made real changes determinedly broke through that self-defeating cycle of pressure.

But we also found that the leaders frequently berated themselves for their lack of practice. They felt guilty and even anxious. One memorable quote from an exasperated leader was, “I’m stressed about this mindfulness!” As they piled pressure on themselves, some began to dislike practice and a few finally resisted altogether.

Leaders can rarely develop a new habit, including practicing mindfulness, without help and support from others. Some leaders in our research received generous encouragement from their partners and work colleagues. In moments when they might have given up, this support sustained them. Others were met with cynicism and in a few cases were even teased.

Fortunately, the research helped us more clearly understand the things that can help leaders practice. It isn’t surprising that they are related to the challenges above.

Our research suggests that if you want to develop a formal mindfulness practice, you should:

  • Think carefully about when you are most likely and able to practice, and then fit 10 minutes into your routine so that over time it becomes a habit. First thing in the morning works best for many. Listening to an audio exercise on your commute is popular and seems to set up the day well. Others find that the only time they can commit to is just before bed. This can work, but it can often initiate sleep before the exercise ends!
  • Set realistic expectations for your practice; expect your experience with developing a new habit to be turbulent. Mindfulness is not about getting rid of all thoughts — it is about noticing what thoughts are there. Don’t be surprised if some days your mind is busy, fretful, or even wildly unruly. When this is the case, practice curiosity and the art of allowing.
  • Notice times when you begin to be more mindful and acknowledge the impact this brings to you and others. Seeing the benefits in your practice is essential to continuing.
  • If you feel comfortable doing so, tell those closest to you at work and home that you are trying to build a mindfulness practice. Tell them how they can help and support you.
  • Connect with others who are interested in becoming more mindful. You can encourage and challenge each other to keep to the practice.

Just like becoming fitter, becoming more mindful involves training. That means you have to practice. Giving up 1% of your time is a small price to pay for the improvements that are on offer.

Compassion is Gratitude in Action…and a Key Leadership Competency

Driving home from a wonderful family Thanksgiving feast on Black Friday, past big box store after big box store with parking lots filled to the brim, I couldn’t help thinking how easily and quickly we shift from holiday of gratitude to the season of “wanting”.  I overheard someone say this past week that they were saddened that there was so little popular notice of Thanksgiving.  It seemed to her, she said, that we went from 6 weeks of Halloween to the eight weeks of Christmas with only an overnight swap of retail merchandise and décor.   Increasingly, the marketing around the holidays bothers me – the unapologetic pitches to kids and adults alike to create peak experiences or a new lease on life from getting “that perfect gift” are everywhere. 

Seven years ago (when I first drafted, and sadly never posted, this article), I wanted to delve into gratitude as a leadership competency.  I googled “gratitude and business performance” and found most of the top sites were advertising gifts to give staff and customers at the end of the year.  More conspicuous consumption - definitely not what I was looking for!  Today, however, the same search yielded top articles from both HBR and Forbes about the use and positive impact of gratitude in the workplace.  While I’m sorry I missed the chance to be a trailblazer on the topic, I’m grateful that the value of gratitude has begun to take hold in our business and personal lives.

Now, with all that has taken place in our country over the last six months, I am moved to ask the question – what’s next?  Is gratitude enough?  We seem to be still be “wanting”.  Wanting a change, wanting a different outcome, wanting an explanation… What do we really “need”?  Clearly practicing gratitude by replacing thoughts of “want” with recognition of “abundance” is not only difficult for many; it is nearly impossible for those who have been left behind economically, socially and even spiritually.  We who have resources and the ability to influence our families, organizations, and communities need to put gratitude to work.

For me, gratitude in its purest form awakens compassion.  Beyond pity (“I see your suffering”), sympathy (‘I care about your suffering”) or even empathy (I feel your suffering), compassion moves us to ACTION (I want to alleviate your suffering).  Throughout the holiday season many of us challenge ourselves financially to alleviate the suffering of others through charitable works and donations.  I would suggest that during the holiday season and beyond, there are other ways to put compassion into action to alleviate a kind of suffering that often goes unseen.  This is the suffering that we create for ourselves and others when engage in judgment, name-calling, and the demonization of the “other”  - - when we create, maintain, or strengthen the divisions in our collective humanity. 

These practices (shifts in thinking that result in shifts in behavior) that start to bridge divides are simple, yet difficult:

·       Slow down – This really is the hardest part isn’t it? There are many techniques for improving your ability to do this, most notably mindfulness/meditation.   

·       Shift from “furious to curious” – Restrain your “animal instinct” to interpret any challenge to your status quo as requiring fight or flight.  Instead approach these challenges with curiosity and inquiry. “I wonder why that makes sense to that person?”

·       Challenge your assumptions – Try to visualize the automatic “tapes” that play in your head and ask yourself where they came from, if they are still valid and if they are still serving you well.  Often these are self-protective strategies that may have helped you to survive in the past but will never allow you to thrive!

·       Choose something differentWe are so often on autopilot, doing those things that we believe work for us.  In every moment, we have response-ability – that is, the ability to respond, to actively choose a different thought and a different behavior.

·       Observe – Take time again to notice how intentionally choosing to act differently changes the energy of a situation for both you and for others.  Recall this shift when you next encounter the urge to judge and separate.  Use it to fuel your willingness to slow down and practice compassion once again


Compassion, acted upon, IS a leadership competency – for all who want to lead us toward better versions of our organizations, our communities, our nation, and ourselves.

I can imagine that there may be some discomfort at these suggestions - - imagining personal and organizational complacency or worse ignoring or “normalizing” immoral behavior.  That is not the case at all.  Compassion is an ACTION requiring us to live in integrity with our values while also challenging our belief that “we have the monopoly on the truth”.  Calling on us “first to understand, then to be understood”.  It is only here that we will shift from the persistence of “want”, feelings of scarcity and fear of “otherness” to capture the possibility, abundance, innovation and even joy in our differences.

This is a tall order – but can we as leaders, as humans, hope for or work for any less?


A variety of resources for additional contemplation:

VIDEO - http://www.ted.com/talks/david_steindl_rast_want_to_be_happy_be_grateful  

BOOK -http://bookofjoy.org

POEM - https://www.facebook.com/PoetDavidWhyte/posts/1678066162219380:0

RESEARCH ARTICLES - http://ccare.stanford.edu/research/peer-reviewed-ccare-articles/

Re-Blog: 5 Ways to Create More Ease and Less Stress for the Holidays

The holiday season is right around the corner, and with them come changes in routine- don't let that push you off course as a person and leader. 

Source: http://grandrapidscenterformindfulness.com/blog/5-mindful-holiday-tips/

You want the season to be a beautiful time of sharing and happy memories but it’s not feeling so beautiful right now. In fact, it is feeling downright stressful as your TO DO list gets longer and the time gets shorter. This is the situation many of us find ourselves in, and yet, there is an alternative. Mindfulness.

You think to yourself, “If there is one time I don’t have time for one more thing, it is now!” But think again! Mindfulness is portable, it doesn’t take a lot of time and it just might reduce your stress and leave you with some wonderful memories.

Following are five ways to bring more mindfulness and less stress into the holiday season.

1. Plan in opportunities to pause
Make a commitment to yourself to STOP every now and then and shift your attention away from your thoughts, feel your feet on the floor, and the movement of your breath in and out of your body. Easier said than done, during the busiest time of year, with your endless to do list. But when you focus on what you are doing in the present moment your mind naturally settles down and your anxiety subsides. Right now, pause for just two or three breaths and see what happens.

2. Let go of the expectations
Change is a constant part of life, and yet we often dig in our heels and decide things have to be a certain way. Think about some of the expectations you have of yourself and others over the holidays. Take a deep breath and ask yourself if this is really how things should be or if this is just an unexamined thought. See if you can embrace this moment just as it is.

3. Take in the Good
Neuropsychologist Rick Hanson says we are Velcro for the negative things in our lives and Teflon for the positive. We evolved to notice and respond to threats in our environment. That could be an angry bear, a misbehaving child, or our own fear that we won’t get everything done. The good stuff just slides on by without much notice.

By stopping when something good happens in our lives and really savoring it, we can let it sink into long-term memory. Research tells us that if we do this a few times a day, for 20 to 30 seconds at a time, we can actually shift our mood and become happier, more grateful people.

4. Eat mindfully
During the holidays, we often overeat without thinking and then we gain weight and add more stress to our lives. Take some time to recapture the joy of eating.

Eat your first few bites mindfully. Notice the colors and textures, take time to enjoy the aroma, notice the first burst of flavor as you put it in your mouth, and the changes in taste and texture as you chew. Contemplate for a few moments how the sun, rain and earth contributed to this food; and all the people who brought this food to you.

5. Listen mindfully
“Being listened to is so close to being loved that most people cannot tell the difference.” – David Oxbury Augsberg

Slow down and really enjoy the people you interact with and both of you will benefit. You will feel more peaceful and calm and will develop a better understanding of them. They will feel heard and valued as they notice your full attention on them and may even return the favor.

HBR- "After the Handshake"


Following up from last week's article, paired with the transition period for the United States, this article by Dan Ciampa is timely and useful! 

The mood inside the boardroom was celebratory. For months the directors of this multibillion-dollar industrial and consumer-goods company had been searching for a successor to their longtime CEO. After interviewing multiple candidates, they’d unanimously voted to make an offer. The outside recruit—let’s call him Harry—had an exceptional record of growing sales while running a large division of a multinational known as a training ground for world-class CEOs. In interviews he was polished and poised. He asked insightful questions about the company’s strategy, raising issues the board hadn’t considered previously. His references were effusive. To the directors’ delight, Harry, who was simultaneously in the running for two other CEO jobs, accepted their offer—largely because he felt that this company offered the most autonomy and upside. The board announced the appointment at the annual meeting, in April; shortly afterward, the outgoing CEO departed, and Harry started. The directors congratulated themselves on a job well done. The arduous work of succession—their most important duty—was complete.

Except it wasn’t, because the board, the outgoing CEO, and the chief human resources officer hadn’t laid the groundwork for Harry to succeed. They hadn’t discussed with him how decisions were made, how innovation took place, or who had the most influence in the company. As a result, in his first weeks on the job, the new leader was not prepared as he got acquainted with the people he’d inherited and learned the political dynamics of the senior group. For one thing, the CFO was bitterly disappointed at having been passed over for the CEO job and had a reputation for being conniving and power-hungry. For another, although Harry did his best to understand the corporate culture, he failed to fully appreciate the strength of the company’s bias toward cost control and its resistance to change. Crucially, in the three months before his first board meeting, in late June, no directors bothered to meet with the new CEO—and he, preferring to keep his own counsel, didn’t reach out to them either. “Some of us thought he was so good that there wouldn’t be anything we could add,” one director recalls. “The net result was that we all decided we should get out of his way.”

Boards often fail to grasp the complex nature of succession.

When, at that first board meeting, Harry laid out an aggressive new strategy—which included combining two divisions and taking on debt to make an acquisition—the directors were taken aback. They’d hired him to drive growth, but they’d expected an evolutionary, incremental approach rather than a rapid, expensive overhaul. They resisted, frustrating the CEO. Over the following months, the CFO’s back-channel communications with key directors eroded their confidence in Harry. Fifteen months after signing him, the board forced its star hire to resign—and the company’s stock dropped sharply at the news.

A Shared Responsibility

Whether new CEOs are hired from the outside or promoted from within, they should be aware of a daunting statistic: One-third to one-half of new chief executives fail within their first 18 months, according to some estimates. Some of these flameouts can be attributed to poor strategic choices by the new leader, and some result when the board makes an imperfect choice—overestimating a candidate’s abilities and potential or hiring a leader whose skill set doesn’t fit the context. Sometimes the new leader is obviously responsible for a handoff gone wrong, and other times the board is rightly blamed. But a close look shows that it’s rarely that simple. When a succession fails, the responsibility is almost always shared.

Whether coming in directly as CEO or into the number two spot expecting to move up, failing newcomers make these common mistakes:

  • They don’t read the political situation well enough to build necessary relationships and coalitions.
  • They don’t achieve the cultural changes their strategic and operational agendas require.
  • They overestimate the willingness or the capacity of the people they inherit to abandon old habits and behaviors.

Meanwhile, boards and key executives typically:

  • Fail to grasp the complex nature of succession and assume that CEO handoffs are as simple as those at lower levels.
  • Fail to carefully consider the cultural and political aspects of the company that will be problematic for the new leader in his early months.
  • Set one-dimensional or generic expectations of the new leader—in particular, emphasizing only financial and operational goals and not including equally specific cultural, political, and personal ones.

The purpose of a comprehensive approach to transitioning a CEO is to avoid those mistakes. When the transition is done well, the company is prepared for a new leader with a change agenda, and the new leader is more tuned in to power dynamics and how the culture will influence a strategy shift or what cultural changes will be necessary to support it. The transition establishes a solid path toward productive relationships between the CEO and key stakeholders—including, most crucially, board members.

In the United States, presidential candidates typically name a transition team and begin planning for a new administration months before a single vote is cast on Election Day, because they want to be prepared in the event they win. In corporate life, however, too many CEO transitions are informal or improvised. In a 2010 survey conducted by the executive search firm Heidrick & Struggles and Stanford’s Rock Center for Corporate Governance, half the companies surveyed reported providing no formal transition plan for a new leader. James Citrin, who leads the North American CEO practice at the recruiting firm Spencer Stuart, estimates that of the companies that do have a transition process, fewer than 20% extend it beyond the new CEO’s first week.

A CEO transition is not the same as onboarding, which is a formal, short-term, agenda-driven orientation program of briefings and meetings. An onboarding plan can be a useful component of the transition process, just as the formal events at a college’s freshman orientation can provide valuable information to new students. But like a college student’s assimilation, which takes place slowly and informally (the most valuable moments often occur in dorms and dining halls), a CEO’s transition is a longer process of interactions both formal and informal, planned and impromptu. Handled correctly, the process will begin when the board’s choice accepts the position and will last for months after she arrives.

The transition is also properly viewed as the second part of a comprehensive succession. Although many people tend to think of succession as the process of identifying and assessing internal and external candidates, defining the characteristics the next CEO will need, and ultimately settling on a final choice, that’s really only half the job. Succession should include activities that occur after the new CEO takes the job—activities designed to maximize her chances of success. In many ways, the later stages are more difficult than the recruitment and assessment phases. They involve emotions, ego, beliefs about what the organization should become, and, in particular, company culture and politics. Declaring victory too soon can leave a leader ill equipped to build a base of support. That increases the odds of a succession failure, the costs of which can be substantial—for shareholders, for employees, and for individual careers.

The Three Variables

In the creation and implementation of a comprehensive CEO transition process, three key variables affect structure and timing. First, is the new CEO from inside or outside the company? Second, will he take on that role immediately or spend time as a “designated successor,” working alongside the outgoing CEO while typically carrying the title of president or chief operating officer? Third, whether or not the transfer of power is immediate, will the outgoing CEO continue to be a presence in the company, as chairman of the board or as an adviser?

Many companies skimp on or forgo a transition program for an internal candidate who’s promoted to CEO. On the surface that makes sense: An internal candidate has already navigated a career with the company, so onboarding may seem superfluous. However, even an internal candidate will benefit from a transition program that recognizes several specific challenges to be faced in the new job. For example, most people promoted from inside have never been a CEO before and must learn to handle a level of responsibility for which they have had little preparation. Furthermore, they will inherit a team made up of former peers, some of whom may have been rivals for the top job, and will benefit from assistance in dealing with that dynamic. And insider CEOs need to forge new relationships with directors, because reporting to and managing a board is vastly different from making periodic presentations to it.

The Role of the Outgoing CEO

In some cases the outgoing CEO plays no role in succession—such as when she has been fired or pushed out. But in a planned succession (which typically involves a retirement), the outgoing CEO can help the incoming one adjust to and understand the company. Not every new leader appreciates having his predecessor stay on for an extended period, but according to a 2012 study by Patrick Wright, of the University of South Carolina, 40% of departing CEOs remain involved with the company (usually as board members or advisers) after giving up the title.

An incumbent CEO plays a particularly important role if the successor joined the organization as an heir apparent. Such an extended transition should begin with defining the roles the two will play. The successor must have substantive responsibilities, objectives closely tied to strategic and operational success, a platform for proving his abilities, and a clear sense of the timetable for ascending to the top job. The two leaders will need to agree on the details of their relationship: On what issues will they collaborate? Do they want the board and the senior team to view them as true partners? Which decisions will the incumbent run by the successor before making them? What milestones or phases will mark their progress, and will the transition of power and responsibility be incremental or all at once?

In these situations, incumbent CEOs direct the transition process. They must remain fully engaged with their current duties and responsible for short-term performance, but they should also devote significant time to ensuring their eventual replacements’ early success.

Most CEOs promoted from inside will inherit a team of former peers.

Consider one CEO of a multinational conglomerate who excelled in this role. After 10 years as chairman and CEO, this executive—let’s call him Bob—prepared to pass the role to his successor, Greg, who’d been a direct report and headed up the company’s largest unit. Like the best successions, this one was planned well in advance: Two years before he intended to retire, Bob led the board through a careful process of defining what characteristics the next CEO would need, assessing potential internal candidates, and examining external options. Once Greg emerged as the board’s choice, Bob took ownership of helping him transition into the CEO role.

Unlike many departing CEOs, Bob created a feeling in his executive team that every member had some responsibility for the transition. He assigned each subordinate specific tasks to help Greg prepare, and he made a list of tasks and assignments for himself, too. He analyzed his network of critical relationships and systematically introduced Greg to key contacts. He prepared detailed briefings on how he had made decisions involving regulatory issues, markets, talent, finances, and so on. He offered comprehensive and insightful thoughts on self-management: how he had spent his time, dealt with conflicting requests, managed the administrative system that supported him, kept his energy up, and countered stress. He outlined the strengths and weaknesses of the current executive team and described how he’d tried to reduce tension and conflict among its members. The two men spent hours alone discussing these issues and traveled together to meet customers, regulators, and alliance partners.

Throughout the process, Bob behaved more like a coach than a boss. He visibly stepped back at times while still in office, allowing Greg to be in the spotlight and to make key decisions. Greg, to his credit, received Bob’s counsel adeptly, translating what Bob offered in a way that worked for him, deciding what to accept and what to reject, but all the while behaving respectfully toward his mentor. The transition was not easy for either of them. There were awkward moments, and meetings at which employees seemed confused about who was the definitive decision maker. But when the CEO title passed to Greg, he was far more prepared than he would have been without Bob’s coaching.

Not every outgoing chief executive has the personality or the ability to excel in this role without some help. And of course, if the outgoing CEO leaves abruptly, someone else must step in to coach or mentor the new leader.

The Role of the CHRO

Although the board is accountable for CEO succession, and an outgoing CEO should direct the process, someone needs to attend to the day-to-day details. That person should be the company’s chief human resources officer. CHROs should be deeply involved in all aspects of succession (they often choose and manage the relationship with executive recruiters, for instance), and will thus have an advantage in organizing the transition. They usually interact with outside candidates earlier than anyone else in the company does.

CHROs should aim not only to coordinate a new leader’s transition into the company, but also to become her primary counsel on people, politics, and culture. In this regard they should think of themselves as communicators, interpreters, and sounding boards. The new CEO will find it easy to obtain strategic, operational, and financial data while getting up to speed, but will need someone to explain other executives’ personal backstories and interrelationships and why and how some of the company’s more idiosyncratic practices evolved. Ideally, a CHRO can also offer candid feedback on how the new leader’s early words and actions are perceived in the organization. If the new leader begins in the number two role, the CHRO is also in the best position to observe the developing relationship between her and the incumbent CEO and to advise both on navigating it. If the new leader encounters a problem during the transition, the CHRO should be the first to receive a call.

This work shouldn’t wait until the new leader actually joins the organization. When a large retail company recruited an outsider to succeed the CEO, the company’s CHRO called him the next day and explained that although they’d spent time together during the search process, he wanted a meeting to discuss an onboarding plan and the company’s political structure. The CHRO traveled to the new CEO’s distant city, and they spent hours talking about the challenges of transition. The new leader found it invaluable. “Once I’d accepted the job, all my thoughts were on how to leave [my current company],” and the conversation with the CHRO “focused my attention on what was ahead,” he says. “There was a lot I didn’t know, and the onboarding plan he went over was a good start.” The CHRO reflects on the conversation: “Talking to him on his turf was important, and I wanted it to be informal and away from our offices.” The two even spent time considering how the new CEO would inform his current boss and ease his departure, because the CHRO had a lot of experience with resignations. “He really appreciated it—it was a good icebreaker, and I think he got a sense of how I would be of help to him,” the CHRO says. Reaching out positioned him to evolve into the new CEO’s key counselor.

Unfortunately, not every company has a CHRO who’s up to this task. Many HR department heads lack the skills for it or haven’t earned enough stature with the CEO or the board to be entrusted with this duty. And some don’t aspire to or see the potential for a role as influential as the CFO’s or the CMO’s. In such a case, the CEO should upgrade the position well before a succession takes place, and the board should be involved in specifying the expectations for the CHRO. An adept CHRO will be the company’s go-to resource on topics of culture and talent and will have developed the interpersonal and political skills necessary to be listened to by peers and the CEO.

The Role of the Board

For directors, an important question during a CEO transition is how much distance they should keep. Directors aren’t at a company full-time and thus see managers in action only periodically. They cannot and should not micromanage—but there is danger in being too remote. Directors often want to give a new CEO room as an expression of confidence, but this respectful gesture can keep them out of touch. And the new CEO may perceive it as a lack of interest or a message to sink or swim alone. The best boards strike a fine balance between being uninvolved and overinvolved.

When boards fail to find that balance, they’re usually too distant. Incoming CEOs routinely report that they don’t get enough transition support from directors—or that it doesn’t last as long as they might wish. According to a 2012 studyconducted by RHR International of 23 major CEO transitions, 57% of CEOs promoted from inside and 83% hired from outside said their boards were “less involved” than they should have been.

Clear expectations are among the most crucial things directors can provide. What kind of between-meetings communication do they expect? Do they prefer to weigh in or vote on fully formed, deeply researched plans and proposals, or do they want to have a hand in guiding nascent strategic ideas? One way to start the conversation is for the nonexecutive chair or the lead director to ask the new CEO to prepare answers to three questions: (1) What information do you need from the board to be able to do the best job you can? (2) What behavior on the board’s part would best enable us to have a trusting relationship at board meetings, between them, and in one-on-one conversations? (3) From your experience during the search process and in your first meeting or two as CEO, what one thing about how the board operates would you change to help make our relationship all it must be?

Directors must realize that a CEO’s relationship with the board as a whole is really a collection of relationships with individual directors. Experienced business leaders like Mark Thompson, who served as the CEO of two British media companies before becoming the chief executive of The New York Times Company in 2012, understand the importance of cultivating individual relationships with directors. When Thompson arrived at the Times Company, he devoted significant energy to doing just that. (See the sidebar “Inside One CEO’s Transition” at the end of this article.) Building those relationships may not come naturally or seem like a priority to first-time CEOs, however. If that’s the case, directors should take the initiative, and the CHRO should help.

For a board, a CEO succession is a critical moment in the life of the company—a time when the directors should expect to be meeting, talking, and contributing more than they ordinarily do, much as they would during a merger or an acquisition. Though a CEO succession may require fewer emergency meetings, directors should treat it as an all-hands-on-deck period.


Most new leaders fail not because their financial or operational abilities are inadequate but because their style or political skills render them unprepared to manage the organization’s culture. Helping new leaders understand that culture and improve their “soft skills” to successfully navigate it may be the best way to increase their chances of success.

An energetic and resourceful leader with intuition, perception, and strong interpersonal skills can certainly succeed on her own—but not without expending more time and energy than would be required in an organized transition process. As one CEO puts it, “My onboarding experience was just not helpful on the things I most needed. It wasn’t horrible or even difficult—it was just sort of useless. I figured out on my own what I needed, but it could have been a lot easier and happened a lot faster.”

Clear expectations are among the most crucial things directors can provide.

Even when a company takes the comprehensive approach to succession suggested here, it’s important to recognize that the formal transfer of title is not the end of the process. The new leader cannot be considered truly embedded until he wins the loyalty of the organization’s most influential managers. That is the culmination of succession, and it may not occur until months after the formal handoff of power. It is signified not by an event but by behavior. Former Xerox CEO Anne Mulcahy describes observing such a moment in a meeting after the title had passed to her chosen successor, Ursula Burns: “Everyone was looking at her rather than me—the whole team’s attention had just shifted, without a lot of drama. That’s the way it should be.”

And that’s one sign of a successfully executed transition process.

Your First 90 Days- Who's On My Team?

The most important decisions you make in your first 90 days will probably be about the people on your team. If you succeed in creating a high-performance team, you can exert tremendous leverage in value creation. If not, you will face severe difficulties, for no leader can hope to achieve much alone.

— Michael Watkins,

Michael Watkins is the guru of executive transitions.  His book (and many related articles) “The First 90 Days - Proven Strategies for Getting Up to Speed Faster and Smarter” is an Amazon #1 Bestseller. Assessing and coalescing the right team is one of the most important actions of a leader during transition.  The stakes are incredibly high with the cost of turnover of one senior leader conservatively estimated at 10x salary and research demonstrating clear impact on ROI based on team turnover Most importantly, remember that these first 90 days are your opportunity to be INTENTIONAL about modeling the behaviors you value and want to have as a hallmark of your leadership and your team’s leadership.


Going Slow to Go Fast

The first weeks are crucial for learning and evaluating. You must maintain the right balance of confidence and humility, asking probing questions and actively listening. During this time, you are most vulnerable AND have the greatest opportunity to be intentional about your leadership presence. Without a trusted support network not yet in place, you must learn everything you can about the organization, its strategies, customers and team members in the shortest possible timeframe. At the same time, you are assessing less tangible things such as whom to trust, how work really gets done in the organization, and the most effective mechanisms for communication.

While you are likely to feel a strong “bias for action”, you need to resist and dedicate learning time to getting to know existing team members. It is key to try to approach this time with a “beginner’s mind”, that is, with an attitude of openness and lack of preconceptions.  This is true if you are new and continue to find yourself framing and assessing in the context of your previous organization or if you are promoted from within and face former colleagues who are now subordinates. Either way,  take adequate time to fully assess in order to choose wisely.


Assessing an Existing Team

As you settle in, you’ll find some excellent, some average and some unsatisfactory people in place. You will inherit a group with its own dynamics and habitual ways of working. You cannot afford to make one of the most common errors: gathering them in a room, telling them that you’re in charge now, and that you’ll be making some changes. Instead, you will need to sort out who’s who, the functions people perform and how the group has worked in the past.

Go in and shake the tree, and you’re guaranteed to lose some of the best leaves along with the rotting ones. Always evaluate thoroughly before acting. Hasty action compromises trust and credibility, and you may inadvertently lose valuable team members.

If you are like most leaders, you will form an impression each time you meet someone. Hold onto those thoughts, but don’t hold them as truths. Remember: They are merely first impressions. Allow them to register, don’t suppress them, and then allow other factors to influence your ultimate appraisal.

You also must decide which criteria to use when evaluating your people.  Your criteria should be a reflection of those characteristics that will best complement you and the strategic needs of the organization at this point in time.  Michael Watkins suggests using the following:

  • Competence – Does this person have the technical skills and experience to do the job well?

  • Judgment – Does this person exercise good judgment under pressure or when fced with sacrifice for the greater good?

  • Energy – Does this team member bring the right kind of energy to the job, or is he/she disengaged, burned out or unfulfilled?

  • Focus – Does this person stick to priorities, or is he/she easily distracted and scattered?

  • Relationships – Does this person get along well with other team members, supporting team decisions?

  • Trust – Can you trust this person to be honest, consistent and reliable?


More Asking than Telling

Stay in the mode of inquiry, as you meet individually with each person. Prepare in advance with information provided by your HR partner including available personnel history, performance data and other appraisals. Use your meeting to both share of yourself and ask probing questions to get to know the individual as well as their perspectives on the team and organization. Watkins suggests the following for a comprehensive evaluation:

  1. What do you think of our existing strategy?

  2. What are the biggest challenges we face in the short term? In the long term?

  3. What are the biggest opportunities we face?

  4. What resources could we leverage more effectively?

  5. How could we improve the way the team works together?

  6. If you were in my position, what would be your initial priorities??

Be aware of nonverbal cues including body language, what a person omits, and the way in which she/he communicates:

  • Does the person reveal areas of weakness or only strengths?

  • Does the team member blame others or take responsibility for specific things?

  • How consistent is their body language with their words?

  • Which topics evoke a lot of energy?

With individual assessments completed, continue to constrain your desire to act.  The next important step is to understand their strengths and weaknesses as a team.  We will be sharing a model for quickly assessing team health in our next post.  

Remember during these First 90 Days, the organization is watching you carefully.  Be intentional about how you are behaving with the goal of modeling the kind of culture you’d like to create.  

Transitions are an excellent time to have the support of an executive coach.  Let us know how we can help to be the most effective leader for your new organization!

Managing Energy, Not Time, is the Key to Sustaining High Performance

“To be fully engaged in our lives, we must be physically energized, emotionally connected, mentally focused, and spiritually aligned with a purpose beyond our immediate self-interest.” – Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz, The Power of Full Engagement

Some leaders thrive under pressure, others wilt. There is an epidemic of stress and burnout in our professional and personal lives. We pride ourselves on our ability to multi-task and use our electronic devices to organize the demands on our time.  We become more efficient and take on more responsibilities, and with them, more stress.  

Even when managing our time well we can still end up exhausted and stressed, unable to concentrate, keep focus, and be productive. That’s because the problem isn’t time management, it’s energy management. One major quality that leaders seek for themselves and their teams is sustained high performance in the face of ever-increasing pressure and rapid change.  That takes energy.

The skillful management of energy - both individually and organizationally - makes sustaining peak performance possible. According to authors Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz in their book, The Power of Full Engagement, we need to rethink much of what we’ve believed about organizing our lives. We need to learn two new rules:

  1. Energy is the fundamental currency of high performance.

  2. Performance, health, and happiness are grounded in the skillful management of energy.


The 4 Principles of Energy Management

Here are the basic concepts, from Loehr and Schwartz:

  • Energy has four dimensions: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. It is necessary to draw energy from each domain and to manage it in all four.

  • Energy is best managed when there is oscillation between stress and recovery. Stress in this case is meant in a positive sense. Stress is what makes us stretch ourselves and use our talents and skills; however, it must be balanced with recovery and rest, and most of us don’t know how to do this.

  • Pushing beyond our usual limits builds our strengths. Building mental, emotional, and spiritual capacities is similar to physical training to improve our strength or cardiovascular abilities. We must push in order to grow.

  • Creating specific positive energy replenishing rituals sustains and expands our energy. This is the key to recuperating and making our energy reserves fully available to us.

Too much energy expended without sufficient rest and recovery leads to trouble. All of life and nature is built upon rhythms and oscillations. Yet, so many of us are in a hurry because we think in terms of linear time.  Most of us are in a race against the clock and make incredible demands on our energy reserves as if we had unlimited resources.

Most approaches to high performance in leaders deal with cognitive or emotional competencies. Increasingly we are attending to the spiritual dimension, how deeper values and a sense of purpose influence performance. Even more recently we are paying attention to the role played by physical capacities. An integrated theory of performance management addresses the body, mind, emotions, and spirit in  a holistic approach.


Creating More Physical Energy

The body is our fundamental source of energy, and anyone concerned about high levels of performance under intense pressure must be concerned with the physical domain. Science is clear about the body’s need for both stress and recovery. For any muscle to grow stronger it must be stressed and then given time to heal. Repeated demands combined with recovery result in increased strength. Conversely, failure to stress the muscle results in weakness and atrophy. These same principles are true in all four domains of energy sources.  Growth occurs when there is demand, stress, and recovery.

Even if you are at a desk most of the day, you need physical energy. It begins with attention to breathing, a healthy diet, good sleeping habits, plenty of water, daily physical exertion, and energy recovery breaks every 90 to 120 minutes. Leaders who build these habits into their days have more energy and are able to sustain performance under intense pressures.


Creating More Mental Energy

Physical and emotional energy help mental functioning. There is a correlation between productivity and positive thinking that generates mental energy. Thinking takes time, yet most jobs don’t build in time for rest, workout breaks, and thinking. They should. In fact, one of the most productive ways to think is during exercise, breaks, walks, jogs, a simple game, or just daydreaming. Build downtime into your day and allow your team to do the same.

Other ways of creating more mental energy include varying activities so that different parts of the brain are used. Mental preparation, visualization, meditation, introspection, and reflection are all pathways to creativity and innovation. Taking time to connect with your organization’s mission, your personal purpose in life, and your true values are all ways of accessing your drive, passion, and energy.


Creating More Emotional Energy

Emotional energy expresses itself in self-confidence, self-discipline, sociability, and empathy. It’s possible to build positive emotions intentionally just as one would build muscles for physical strength. Athletes know how important it is to manage negative feelings during crucial points. Frustration, anger, or fear can interfere with optimal performance. Leaders who want to be able to perform well under stress must learn to “keep their eye on the ball” and manage negativity.

Too few people recognize or try to create feelings of gratitude or joy, especially during grueling negotiations and intense business meetings. Research has shown, however, that humor and positive feelings are contagious and can actually increase the chances of success in business relationships. Friendships are critical at work and affect job performance. Time taken for relationship building is crucial.


Creating More Spiritual Energy

Spiritual energy, in the sense meant here, has to do with your personal connection to your true values and a deep sense of purpose. It means honoring your values, paying attention to your gut instincts, and doing the right things for yourself and others. This authenticity can be an amazing source of passion, fortitude, and commitment. People who connect with a purpose greater than their own personal interests demonstrate the most passion and energy. Spiritual energy also depends on challenging your habitual limits and experiencing rest, recovery, and renewal.


The Power of Positive Rituals

Getting in shape to fully engage in life and work means intentionally working to identify your purpose, values, and committing to the establishment of effective energy replenishing habits.  Be honest about where you are now and be willing to admit that excuses are not serving you well. Plan to take action on three positive rituals that will make a difference in your energy levels.

Busy leaders who have built breaks into their already overburdened schedules have been astonished at how they have expanded their capacities in all four domains of energy. These breaks can include deep breathing for a few seconds, doing a quick meditation, rereading your  vision or mission statement, calling a loved one, running up and down stairs, taking a quick tour around colleagues’ cubicles for friendly chats, doing stretches, eating a healthy snack, or walking around the block. It doesn’t matter what one decides to do, but it is crucial to be specific about the time and activity. The idea is to reconnect with purpose and recuperate energy reserves.

Working with an executive coach is a good way to evaluate your mental models about time and energy and build new skill sets for improving your sources of  physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energy. Partner with your coach to learn and commit to  stretching your capacities and then recuperating your energy. It is your most precious resource.